
what we do

we help clients uncover and develop magnetic ideas


what we do

we help clients uncover and develop magnetic ideas


mining for

target illumination
target segmentation
cultural context
white space exploration
customer journey


creating new ideas

brand strategy
product innovation
brand stretch
packaging development
concept writing


making ideas magnetic

brand positioning
comms strategy
creative development
internal storytelling
activation ideation


helping ideas stick

ad refinement
ongoing observation
brand tracking
comms tracking
advanced analytics

offering insightful, inspiring brand guidance infused with
decades of experience tackling diverse business challenges

human context

an intimate understanding of people and their lives


strategic direction

a roadmap towards achieving business and brand objectives

informed innovation

thoughtful development of fresh and engaging products, brands and creative work


uncompromising intimacy

uncompromising intimacy

the route to magnetic ideas

uncompromising intimacy

uncompromising intimacy

the route to magnetic ideas

getting close with your brand, your business, and your target customers

Uncovering magnetic ideas is dependent on an intimate knowledge of people, place, and culture: the category, the media environment, their friends, their hopes, and their fears. It’s about understanding cultural context and its implications – not chasing trends. 

like the best foreign correspondents, we seek to know a market from the inside out

The core challenge of global marketing is to transcend the position of being on the outside looking in. We drive beyond that superficial understanding of people and place to help brands move forward with truly breakthrough, compelling ideas. We design research experiences that are fundamentally more engaging and rewarding for all taking part.


power of collective

the power of the collective

power of collective

the power of the collective


we’re connected to the right people: our hub and spoke model combines highly experienced consultants at the hub with a global community of trusted partners

Our collective consists of smart, insightful, connected individuals who help us get close to the people and texture of each market. We work with a host of specialists: local qualitative partners, quantitative and analytics specialists, digital partners, videographers and editors, semioticians, behavioral economists, and more. 

We assemble each project team by tapping the expertise and experience needed to best tackle the mission at hand, working closely with them at all stages of the research process. Our core team at the Hub then draws it all together to offer up a clear story and roadmap for the way forward.



living and breathing collaboration


living and breathing collaboration


collaboration is key

We recognize and value that different minds bring diverse skills and perspectives to the table, enriching the overall outcome of an initiative. Collaboration is at the heart of our process to promote maximum creativity and strategic thinking. We believe that harnessing the power of many is the surest route to magnetic ideas.